Prof. Dr. Jan M. Pawlowski
Institut Informatik

+49 208 88254-810
"Experte für globale Prozesse"
Jan Pawlowski lehrt und forscht seit dem 1.1.2014 Wirtschaftsinformatik an der HRW. Nach der Promotion und Habilitation an der Universität Duisburg-Essen war er Professor für Global Information Systems an der Universität Jyväskylä in Finnland. Er war Mitgründer eines Unternehmens für Qualitätsmanagement (Delzert) und leitete ein privates Forschungsinstitut im Bereich Wissensmanagement und E-Learning in Seoul, Korea (Korean German Institute of Techology). Weiterhin war Jan Pawlowski als Berater für Bildungs- und Wissensmanagement tätig. Er engagiert sich in verschiedenen Organisationen und Gremien wie etwa der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Wirtschaftsinformatik (WKWI), IEEE, AIS und CEN.
- Globale Informationssysteme, insb. Prozessmanagement: Ein globales Informationssystem (GLIS) ist ein Informationssystem, dessen Entwickler oder Nutzer geographisch über mehrere Länder verteilt sind. Dabei ergeben sich Herausforderungen in Gestaltungs-, Nutzungs- und Unterstützungsprozessen. An erster Stelle steht dabei die Gestaltung von Prozessen für verteilte Teams. Zielsetzung ist die Entwicklung von Systemen sowie unterstützender Instrumente (Tools, Services) für global verteilte Organisationen.
- Globales Wissensmanagement: Wissensmanagement erfordert unterschiedliche Prozesse und unterstützende Systeme in unterschiedlichen Kulturen. Als Ausgangspunkt dient das „Global Knowledge Management Framework“, das Einflussfaktoren und Komponenten von Wissensmanagementsystemen abbildet. Auf Basis dieser konzeptuellen Arbeit untersuchen wir unterschiedliche Aspekte, wie etwa Prozessdesign in verteilten Organisationen oder den Einsatz von Social Software im interorganisationalen Kontext. Ein weiterer Ausgangspunkt ist die Untersuchung von Barrieren zum Einsatz vom Wissensmanagement im globalen Kontext.
- Kompetenzentwicklung: Einer der aktuellen Schwerpunkte befasst sich mit der Untersuchung von Kompetenzen im IT-Sektor. Im Vordergrund steht eine umfassende Analyse, welche Kompetenzen in globalen Teams und Organisationen notwendig sind und wie diese spezifische Kompetenzen (wie etwa Software-Entwicklung oder Programmierung) beeinflussen.
- Integration von E-Learning- und Wissensmanagement: Zielsetzung der Arbeit ist die Integration von Lern- und Arbeitsprozessen. Wissensmanagement kann nicht mehr isoliert gesehen werden, sondern muss vielmehr in operationale Arbeitsprozesse integriert werden. Ebenso darf Wissensmanagement nicht getrennt von Lernprozessen gesehen werden. Die zunehmende Verschmelzung formeller und informeller Lernprozesse führt zu neuen Anforderungen der Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme. Ein Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt hier in der Gestaltung von Prozessen, Services und der Bereitstellung von Schnittstellen.
- Open Educational Resources: Seit mehreren Jahren sind „Open Educational Resources (OER)“ ein Schwerpunkt der Forschung – dabei fokussieren wir auf die Nutzung und Entwicklung von OER. Im letzten Jahr haben wir die größte Studie in Europe zu Barrieren von OER durchgeführt. Neben Aspekten der Interoperabilität, Qualität und Adaptation liegt ein Schwerpunkt in der Internationalisierung von OER und neuen Ansätzen zu offenen Innovationsprozessen („Born Global Innovation“).
- Lerntechnologiestandards: Lerntechnologiestandards unterstützen die Entwicklung interoperabler Lösungen für Lehr- und Lernsysteme. Zurzeit engagieren wir uns in zwei Fokusbereichen: der Standardisierung von Kontext- und sozialen Metadaten zur systemübergreifenden Nutzung dieser Daten für Learning Analytics, Recommender Systems und adaptiven Systemen sowie Educational E-Textbooks.
- Holtkamp, P., Jokinen, J. P., & Pawlowski, J. M. (2015). Soft competency requirements in requirements engineering, software design, implementation, and testing. Journal of Systems and Software, 101, 136-146.
- Stoffregen, J., Pawlowski, J. M., & Pirkkalainen, H. (2015). A Barrier Framework for open E-Learning in public administrations. Computers in Human Behavior.
- Laitinen, J., Pawlowski, J.M., Senoo, D. (2015). A Study On The Influence of National Culture on Knowledge Sharing, KMO, Maribor, Slovenia, Aug. 2015.
- Clements, K., Pawlowski, J., & Manouselis, N. (2015). Open educational resources repositories literature review–Towards a comprehensive quality approaches framework. Computers in Human Behavior.
- Holtkamp, P., Lau, I., & Pawlowski, J. M. (2014). How software development competences change in global settings—an explorative study. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 27(1), 50-72.
- Pirkkalainen, H., & Pawlowski, J. M. (2014). Global social knowledge management–understanding barriers for global workers utilizing social software. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, 637-647.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Pirkkalainen, H., Gervacio, J.L., Nordin, N., Embi, M.A.: Contextualization of Open Educational Resources in Asia and Europe, Open Educational Resources in Lifelong Learning, KNOU Press, 2014.
- Jarour, A., Bick, M., Pawlowski, J., Volungeviciene, A., Trepule, E., Bagucanskyte, M., ... & Tannhauser, A. C. (2014, November). Enhancing the experience of online users of open education. In Web and Open Access to Learning (ICWOAL), 2014 International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
- Clements, K., Pawlowski, J., & Manouselis, N.: Why Open Educational Resources Repositories fail-Review of Quality Assurance Approaches. In: Proceedings of EDULEARN14, Barcelona, Spain, 2014.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Ademowo, A.A.: Analysis of Social Network Success Factors for International Collaboration, BaSoTi, Riga, Latvia, 2014.
- Mäkelä, T., Young, B., & Pawlowski, J.M.: In Search of Educational, Socio-cultural, and Technological Criteria for Localizing Learning Solutions for Varying Cultural Contexts. In World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Tampere, Finland, 1, 2014, 2592-2595.
- Pirkkalainen, H., & Pawlowski, J.M.: Collaborating on ideas: Tackling Barriers to Open Education. In World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Tampere, Finland, 1, 2014, 1844-1852.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Bick, M., Kruse, P., Hetmank, L., Thalmann, S., Pirkkalainen, H., Martensen, M., Peinl, R., Schoop, E., Maier,R.: Social Knowledge Environments, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 2014
- Pawlowski, J.M., Bick, M., Kruse, P., Hetmank, L., Thalmann, S., Pirkkalainen, H., Martensen, M., Peinl, R., Schoop, E., Maier,R.: Soziale Wissensumgebungen. In: WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, 56 (2), 2014, 91–100.
- Pirkkalainen, H., Jokinen, J. P., & Pawlowski, J. M. (2014). Understanding Social OER Environments—A Quantitative Study on Factors Influencing the Motivation to Share and Collaborate. Learning Technologies, IEEE Transactions on, 7(4), 388-400.
- Pirkkalainen, H., Jokinen, J. Pawlowski, J.M., Richter, T.: Overcoming Cultural Distance in Social OER Environments, CSEDU, Barcelona, April 2014
- Laitinen, J.A., Murakami, H., Pawlowski, J.M.: Barriers to Open Innovation and Knowledge Management: A Comparative Analysis of Western and Japanese Literature, MKWI, Paderborn, Februar 2014
- Pawlowski, J.M., Bick, M., Kruse, P., Hetmank, L., Thalmann, S., Pirkkalainen, H., Martensen, M., Peinl, R., Schoop, E., Maier,R.: Social Knowledge Environments, Business & Information Systems Engineering, 2014
- Pirkkalainen, H., Jokinen, J., Pawlowski, J.M.: Understanding Social OER Environments – a Quantitative Study of Influencing Factors on Motivation to Share and Collaborate, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2014
- Pirkkalainen, H., Jokinen, J. Pawlowski, J.M., Richter, T.: Overcoming Cultural Distance in Social OER Environments, CSEDU, Barcelona, April 2014
- Laitinen, J.A., Murakami, H., Pawlowski, J.M.: Barriers to Open Innovation and Knowledge Management: A Comparative Analysis of Western and Japanese Literature, MKWI, Paderborn, Februar 2014
- Pawlowski, J.M., Clements, K.C: Trusted Educational Networks for the Internationalization of Open Educational Resources, INNOQUAL, 1(1), 2013.
- Pawlowski, J. M., Bick, M., Camilleri, A., Ehlers, U.-D., Makropoulos, C, Volungeviciene, A., (2013): Open Educational Ideas: Early Stage Sharing of Educational Artefacts, EIF 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
- Pirkkalainen, H. Pawlowski, J.M.: Global Social Knowledge Management – Understanding Barriers for Global Workers Utilizing Social Software, Computer in Human Behavior, 2013
- Pawlowski, J.M.: Towards Born-Global Innovation: the Role of Knowledge Management and Social Software, Proc. of ECKM 2013, Kaunas, Lithuania.
- Pirkkalainen, H. Pawlowski, J.M.: Global Social Knowledge Management: From Barriers to the Selection of Social Tools, Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management (EJKM), 2013.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Ossiannilsson, E., Creelman, A., Pirkkalainen, H., Hoel, T., Varis, T., Lounaskorpi, T., Johannessen, Ö, Titlestad, G., Hylen, J., Hjorth Lund, C., Ellefsen,O.: The Nordic Open Education Alliance – State of the Art, Challenges and Opportunities. EDEN Conference, 06.2013, Oslo, Norway.
- Sotiriou, S., Athanasiades, N., Ramfos, A., Stracke, C.M., Richter, T., Pirkkalainen, P., Pawlowski, J.M., Clements, K., Stergioulas, L., Manouselis, M., Moumoutzis, N.: Open Discovery Space. EDEN Conference, 06.2013, Oslo, Norway.
- Pirkkalainen, H., Pawlowski, J.M.: The Knowledge Intervention Integration Process: a Process-oriented View to Enable Global Social Knowledge Management, International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 3(3), 45-57, July-September 2012.
- Sten, T., Pawlowski, J.M., Pirkkalainen, H.: Assessing Globalization Competences in the Information Systems Domain: Methods and Instruments, International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 2012
- Pawlowski J.M., Bick M.: Open Educational Resources. Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) 4(4), 209-212, 2012.
- Pawlowski J.M., Bick M.: Open Educational Resources. Wirtschaftsinformatik 54(4):205–208, 2012.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Bick, M.: The Global Knowledge Management Framework: Towards a Theory for Knowledge Management in Globally Distributed Settings, The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management (EJKM), 10(1), 2012.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Clements, K.C: Knowledge Exchange Across Borders – Internationalization of Open Education using Trusted Educational Networks, Proc. of EIF, Granada, Sep. 2012.
- Pawlowski, J.M.: Emotional Ownership as the Key to OER Adoption: From Sharing Products and Resources to Sharing Ideas and Commitment across Borders, Proc. of EIF, Granada, Sep. 2012.
- Thalmann, S., Seeber, I., Maier, R., Peinl, R., Pawlowski, J.M., Hetmank, L., Kruse, P., Bick, M.: Ontology-based standardization on knowledge exchange in social knowledge management environments. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (i-KNOW '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2012.
- Peinl, R., Thalmann, S., Hetmank, L; Kruse, P., Seeber, I., Pawlowski, J.M., Bick, M., Maier, R., Schoop, E.: Manifesto for a Standard on Knowledge Exchange in Social Knowledge Management Environments. Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2012).
- Sten, T., Pawlowski, J.M., Pirkkalainen, H.: Assessing Globalization Competences in the Information Systems Domain: Methods and Instruments, World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Rome, June 2012.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Pirkkalainen, H. (2012): Global Social Knowledge Management: The Future of Knowledge Management Across Borders? Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM 2012).
- Pirkkalainen, H., Pawlowski, J.M.: The Knowledge Intervention Integration Process: a Process-oriented View to Enable Global Social Knowledge Management, World Summit on the Knowledge Society, Rome, June 2012.
- Pawlowski, J.M.: E-Learning for Lifelong Learning in Latvia, Philippines and the UK: A Cross Analysis, e-ASEM conference, Copenhagen, May 2012.
- Bick, M., Hetmank, L., Kruse, P., Maier, R., Pawlowski, J.M., Peinl, R., Schoop, E., Seeber, I.: Manifesto for a Standard on Meaningful Representations of Knowledge in Social Knowledge Management Environments, MKWI (Multi Conference Business Information Systems), Braunschweig, March 2012.
- Holtkamp, P., Pawlowski, J.M.: Towards an Internationalization of the Information Systems Curriculum, MKWI (Multi Conference Business Information Systems), Braunschweig, March 2012.
- Clements, K., Pawlowski, J.M.: User-oriented quality for OER: Understanding teachers’ views on re-use, quality and trust, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2011.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Bick, M.: The Global Knowledge Management Framework: Understanding Knowledge Management in Globally Distributed Settings, European Conference on Knowledge Management, Passau, Germany, 09.2011.
- Pawlowski, J.M.: Context Metadata for Mobile Learning, KNOU Forum on Mobile Learning, Sep. 2011, Seoul, Korea.
- Hoel, T., Pawlowski, J.M.: Key Knowledge Sharing Points: Exploring a new concept for studying Crossroads in Global Innovation Projects, European Conference on Knowledge Management, Passau, Germany, 09.2011.
- Kalb, H., Pirkkalainen, H., Pawlowski, J.M.: Social Networking Services as a Facilitator for Scientists’ Sharing Activities, European Conference on Information Systems ECIS 2011, Helsinki, June 2011.
- Schwertel, U., Pawlowski, J., Mikroyannidis, A. & Pirkkalainen, H.: Sustainability of Open Educational Resources - Providing Tools and Services for Adaptation: The Openscout Experience. In Szűcs, A. & Paulsen, M. F. (editors), Learning and Sustainability - The New Ecosystem of Innovation and Knowledge (Proceedings of EDEN Annual Conference 2011, 19-22 June 2011, Dublin.
- Ha, K.H., Niemann, K., Schwertel, U., Holtkamp, P., Pirkkalainen, H., Boerner, D., Kalz, M., Pitsilis, V., Vidalis, A., Pappa, D., Bick, M., Pawlowski, J.M., Wolpers, M., Zimmermann, V.: A novel approach towards skill-based search and services of Open Educational Resources. Proc. of MTSR 2011, Izmir, Turkey, October 12-14, 2011.
- Kalb, H., Pirkkalainen, H., Pawlowski, J.M., Schoop, E.: Influence Factors for Sharing Open Science and Open Educational Resources through Social Networking Services, Professional Knowledge Management, 03.2011.
- Islas Sedano, C., Pawlowski, J.M., Sutinen, E., Naumanen, M., Vinni, M., Laine, T.H.: Involvement of non-technical individuals in the design of successful digital games, IEEE MEEM, 2010
- Pawlowski, J.M., Kozlov, D.: Analysis and Validation of Learning Technology Models, Standards and Specifications: The Reference Model Analysis Grid (RMAG), International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 8 (2), 2010.
- Pawlowski, J.M.: Implementing Quality Standards for Knowledge-Intensive Organizations, Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning (TICL), 7 (3-4), 2010.
- Allan, P., Hoel, T. Pawlowski, J.M. (2010): On the Status of Learning Technology Specifications and Standards, International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 8 (2), 2010.
- Najjar, J., Derntl, M., Klobučar, T., Simon, B., Totschnig, M., Grant, S., Pawlowski, J.M.: A Data Model for Describing and Exchanging Personal Achieved Learning Outcomes (PALO), International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research, 8 (2), 2010.
- Clements, K., Gras-Velázquez, A., Pawlowski, J.M.: Educational Resources Packaging Standards SCORM and IMS Common Cartridge – The Users Point of View, SeamWorkshop, Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 2010.
- Niemann, K. Schwertel, U., Mikroyannidis, A. Fisichella, M., Friedrich, M., Dicerto, M., Ha, K.H., Holtkamp, P., Kalz, M., Kawase, R., Parodi, E. Pawlowski, J.M., Pirkkalainen, H., Pitsilis, V., Vidalis, A., Wolpers, M., Zimmermann, V.: Skill-based Scouting of Open Management Content, Proc. of ECTEL, Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 2010.
- Kalz, M., Specht, M., Nadolski, R., Bastiaens, Y., Leirs, N., Pawlowski, J.M.: OpenScout: Competence based management education with community-improved open educational resources, 17th EDINEB Conference: Crossing borders in Education and Work-based Learning, London, UK, June 2010.
- Pulkkinen, M., Kozlov, D., Pawlowski, J.M.: Evaluating the Software market through study of standardization in the area of TEL & e-Learning, International Conference on Software Business (ICSOB), Jyväskylä, June 2010.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Holtkamp, P., Kalb, H.: Globalization Competences in Information Systems and E-Learning, Workshop on Competencies for the Globalization of Information Systems in Knowledge-Intensive Settings, ICSOB, June 2010.
- Pirkkalainen, H., Thalmann, S., Pawlowski, J.M., Bick, M., Holtkamp, P., Ha, K.H.: Internationalization Processes for Open Educational Resources, Workshop on Competencies for the Globalization of Information Systems in Knowledge-Intensive Settings, ICSOB, June 2010.
- Kozlov, D., Hoel, T., Pulkkinen, M., Pawlowski, J.M.: The Discourse Tool: A Support Environment for Collaborative Modeling Efforts, The 20th European Japanese Conference on Information Modeling and Knowledge Bases, Jyväskylä, May 2010.
- Pirkkalainen, H., Manathunga, A., Valtonen, J., Pawlowski, J.M.: The Evaluation of Social Software Tools in Global Communication and Collaboration, Proc. of EBRF, Jyväskylä, Sep. 2009.
- Bick, M., Pawlowski, J.M.: Applying Context Metadata in Ambient Knowledge and Learning Environments – A process-oriented Perspective, Wissensmanagement 2009, Solothurn, Mar. 2009.
- Clements, K., Pawlowski, J.M. (2009): Using Open Content across Borders – utilizing teaching resources for Astronomy, ITK Conference, Hämeenlinna, April 2009.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Walter, M.: Global Learning Quality. The Quality of Higher Education, 5 (1), 2008.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Schrader, H., Khatami, P., Adelsberger, H.H.: The Globalization Technology Competency Framework for the Knowledge Worker – an E-Learning Program for Enterprise Resource Planning, European e-skills Conference 2008, CEDEFOP, Thessaloniki, Oct. 2008.
- Pawlowski, J.M.: Culture Profiles: Facilitating Global Learning and Knowledge Sharing, ICCE 2008, Taiwan, Nov. 2008.
- Islas Sedano, C., Botha, A., Pawlowski, J.M.: A conceptual framework for ubiquitous mobile environments, IEEE Portable, Aug. 2008.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Bick, M.: Context Metadata to Adapt Ambient Learning Environments, IEEE Portable, Aug. 2008.
- Pawlowski, J.M.: Context standardisation for learning, education and training, Proc. of ICALT 2008, Santander, Jul. 2008.
- Richter, T., Pawlowski, J.M., Lutze, M.: Adapting E-Learning Situations for International Re-Use, in: Sudweeks, F., Hrachovec, H., Ess, C. (eds.). Proc. of CATaC 2008: Cultural Attitudes towards Technology and Communication, Nimes, France, Jun. 2008, pp. 713-725.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Richter, T.: A Methodology to Compare and Adapt E-Learning in the Global Context, MKWI, Munich, Feb. 2008.
- Pawlowski, J.M.: The Quality Adaptation Model: Adaptation and Adoption of the Quality Standard ISO/IEC 19796-1 for Learning, Education, and Training, Educational Technology & Society, 10 (2), 2007.
- Pawlowski, J.M.: The Quality Mark E-Learning: Developing Process- and Product-oriented Quality for Learning, Education, and Training, Int. J. Learning Technology, 3 (1), 2007.
- Richter, T., Pawlowski, J.M.: Adaptation of e-Learning Environments: Determining National Differences through Context Metadata, KCTOS TRANS - Internet Journal for Cultural Studies, 17, 2007.
- Richter, T., Pawlowski, J.M.: The Need for Standardization of Context Metadata for e-Learning Environments, Proc. of e-ASEM Conference, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 2007.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Zimmermann, V,: Open Content: A Concept for the Future of E-Learning and Knowledge Management? Knowtech, Frankfurt, Nov. 2007.
- Bick, M., Kummer, T., Pawlowski, J.M.: Ambient Intelligence Framework zur Förderung kollaborativer Wissens- und Lernprozesse [Ambient Intelligence Framework for the Improvement of Collaborative Knowledge and Learning Processes], Knowtech, Frankfurt, Nov. 2007.
- Bick, M., Jughardt, A., Pawlowski, J.M., Veith, P.: Spontaneous Group Learning in Ambient Learning Environments, I3E - IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, Wuhan, China, Oct. 2007.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Richter, T.: Context and Culture Metadata – a Tool for the Internationalization of E-Learning, Edmedia, Vancouver, Canada, Jun. 2007.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Bick, M.: Competence Development in Ambient Learning Environments, 2nd Conference on Mobility and Mobile Information Systems, Aachen, March 2007.
- Pawlowski, J.M., Bick, M.: A Framework for Integrated Ambient Learning and Knowledge Environments, 4th Conference on Professional Knowledge Management, Potsdam, March 2007.