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Prof. Dr. Christian Weiß

Institut Naturwissenschaften

Prof. Dr. Christian Weiß


+49 208 88254-436

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Dekan Fachbereich 4 | Institutsleiter Naturwissenschaften | Lehrgebiet: Angewandte Mathematik/ Wirtschaftsmathematik/Statistik

Prof. Dr. habil. Christian Weiß

In 2012, Christian finished his PhD thesis on “Twisted Teichmüller curves”. His advisors were Martin Möller, Goethe-University Frankfurt, and Don Zagier, Max-Planck Insitute for Mathemtics Bonn. After a short period as postdoc at Goethe-University Frankfurt, he moved to the financial industry working as an actuary in risk management. In 2017, he got a professorship for mathematics at Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences. One year later he became dean of his faculty. In 2022, Christian completed his habilitation on "Number Theoretic, Dynamical and Geometric Contributions to Equidistribution Theory" at Würzburg University. The members of his habilitation committee were Jörn Steuding (Würzburg University), Christoph Aistleitner (Technical University Graz) and Jürgen Sander (Hildesheim University).

- Algebraic number theory

- Quasi-Monte Carlo methods and their application in financial mathematics

- Dynamical Systems, in particular interval exchange transformations

- Discrete groups, in particular Fuchsian groups

Articles, Pure Mathematics

[16] M. Goering, und C. Weiß. A study in quantitative equidistribution on the unit square. to appear in: Acta Arithmetica, 2022.

[15] C. Weiß. Some connections between Discrepancy, finite gap properties and pair correlations. to appear in: Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2022.

[14] C. Weiß, and T. Skill. Sequences with almost Poissonian pair correlations. Journal of Number Theory, 236:116–127, 2022.

[13] C. Weiß. Multi-dimensional Kronecker sequences with a small number of gap lengths. Discrete Mathematics and Applications, 32(1):69–74, 2022.

[12] C. Weiß. Systems of rank one, explicit Rokhlin towers, and covering numbers. Archiv der Mathematik, 118(2):181–193, 2022.

[11] M. Gnewuch, H. Pasing, and C. Weiß. A generalized Faulhaber inequality, improved bracketing covers, and Applications to Discrepancy.Mathematics of Computation, 90:2873–2898, 2021.

[10] S. Fairchild, M. Goering, and C. Weiß. Families of well-approximable measures. Uniform Distribution Theory., 16(1):53–70, 2021.

[9] C. Weiß. Discrepancy properties and conjugacy classes of interval exchange transformations. Monatshefte für Mathematik, 196(2):399–410, 2021.

[8] H. Pasing, and C. Weiß. Improving a constant in high-dimensional discrepancy estimates. Publications de l’Institut Mathematique, 107:67–74, 2020.

[7] C. Weiß. Deducing three gap theorem from Rauzy-Veech induction. Revista Colombiana de Matematicas, 54:31–37, 2020.

[6] C. Weiß, and Z. Nikolic. An Aspect of Optimal Regression Design for LSMC. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 2019(4): 283–290, 2019.

[5] C. Weiß. Interval exchange transformations and low-discrepancy. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 198:399–410, 2019.

[4] C. Weiß. Non-Congruence of Homology Veech groups in genus two. Geometriae Dedicata., 201:253–280, 2019.

[3] C. Weiß. On the classification of LS-sequences. Uniform Distribution Theory, 13(2):83–92, 2018.

[2] C. Weiß. A note on modular curves and fundamental units of negative norm. Math. Vesn., 66(3):315–316, 2014.

[1] W. Kohnen, und C. Weiß. Orthogonality and Hecke operators. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math Sci.)., 119(3):283–286, 2009.

Preprints, Pure Mathematics

[4] C. Weiß. On the Discrepancy of low-dimensional probability measures. Preprint, 2022.

[3] C. Weiß. Approximation of discrete measures by finite point sets. arXiv:2202.01501, 2022.

[2] C. Weiß. Deviation from equidistance for one-dimensional sequences. Preprint, 2021.

[1] C. Weiß. Remarks on the pair correlation statistic and lattice point counting. arXiv:2109.07109, 2021.

Articles, Applications of Data Science

[1] M. Kiermayer, and C. Weiß. Grouping of contracts in insurance using neural networks. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal., 2021(4):295-322, 2021.

[2] Z. Nikolic, and C. Weiß. Machine Learning in der aktuariellen Risikomodellierung. Proceedings zum 15. FaRis, 2020.

[3] Q. Culver, D. Heitmann, and C. Weiß. The Influence of Seed Selection on the Solvency II Ratio. Der Aktuar, 2018(1): 15–18, 2018.

[4] C. Bettels, J. Fabrega, and C. Weiß. Anwendung von Least Squares Monte Carlo im Solvency II Kontext – Teil 2. Der Aktuar, 2014(3):61– 65, 2014.

[5] C. Bettels, J. Fabrega, and C. Weiß. Anwendung von Least Squares Monte Carlo im Solvency II Kontext – Teil 1. Der Aktuar, 2014(2):151–155, 2014.


[4] D. Heitmann, T. Skill, and C. Weiß. Finanzmathematik. to appear at Springer-Gabler, 2022.

[3] A. Hirn and C. Weiß. Analysis – Grundlagen und Exkurse: Mehrdimensionale Integralrechnung und ihre Anwendungen. Springer, 2018.

[2] A. Hirn and C. Weiß. Analysis – Grundlagen und Exkurse: Grundprinzipien der Differential- und Integralrechnung. Springer, 2017.

[1] C. Weiß. Twisted Teichmüller Curves, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 2041, Springer, 2014.