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Institute of Civil Engineering

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Holistic construction technology, science and practice

The Institute of Civil Engineering is comprehensivly dedicated to all structural engineering issues, from detailed investigations to holistic considerations taking economic aspects into account. 

The scientific focus is on stability, durability, maintenance and sustainability.


Research profile

The research profile of the Institute of Civil Engineering focuses on sustainable and energy-efficient construction and industrial construction.

In the field of buildings in the energy sector, the focus is on the economic and static optimization of load-bearing structures as well as the simulation and assessment of the load-bearing behavior of buildings. 

With around 700 students enrolled on the Bachelor's degree courses in Civil Engineering and Industrial Engineering and Construction as well as the Master's degree course in Civil Engineering, the institute offers a broad education. 

Supported by eleven professors and various research assistants, students at the modern Mülheim campus in Duisburger Straße receive optimal support for their studies, teaching and research. 


Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)

Civil Engineering

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Civil Engineering

Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)

Civil Engineering and Management

Contact persons

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Prof. Dr. René Schäfer

Institut Bauingenieurwesen

Lehrgebiet: Geotechnik

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Daniel Jun

Institut Bauingenieurwesen

Dekan FB 3 | Institutsleitung Bauingenieurwesen | Lehrgebiet: Baustatik, Baumechanik

Contact persons

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. René Schäfer

Institut Bauingenieurwesen

Lehrgebiet: Geotechnik

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Daniel Jun

Institut Bauingenieurwesen

Dekan FB 3 | Institutsleitung Bauingenieurwesen | Lehrgebiet: Baustatik, Baumechanik