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Think creatively, act boldly


Entrepreneurial University

Eine Gruppe von Studierenden steht und erklärt an einer digitalen Tafel anderen Studierenden, die sitzen.

Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences (HRW) is an entrepreneurial university. We motivate all university members to engage in lifelong learning and encourage everyone to accept challenges and seek out opportunities. 

Our entrepreneurial mindset is characterised by a culture of diversity, tolerance and respect in order to create an environment in which all members of the university can be successful. 

Both employees and students are encouraged to take the initiative and strive for change in order to develop further in a rapidly changing world. 

In this way, we want to provide our students with the skills they need and also be able to react flexibly to new challenges as an organisation. In doing so, we support each other and all students and employees.

Logo des HRW FabLabs

HRW FabLab & IoT-Labor

Ein Student sitzt mit einer anderen Studentin an einem Tisch, schaut auf einen Laptop und lächelt.

Entrepreneurial Education

Kleinere blaue und rote Pfeile bilden einen gemeinsamen Pfeil, der auf den Schriftzug HRW STARTUPS hindeutet.

Programm für Gründungsideen
