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Research support

Ein Bild vom Capus in Mülheim zum Abend, die Lichter sind eingeschaltet und man sieht vier der sechs Gebäude vom Campus

We support science

The HRW research support assists researchers, doctoral candidates, early career researchers and interested parties with various counselling and funding offers. In addition to providing information on research and project calls and start-up funding, we bring prospective doctoral candidates together with professors. Formats to promote good scientific practice and networking round off the programme.

Funding advice

We support you in the design of customised proposals, advise you on funding opportunities and assist in the preparation of research project applications to public and non-profit funding bodies.
We act as an interface between Finance, Human Resources, Legal Affairs and other administrative units that need to be involved in the application process and, where possible, ensure that applications do not fail for formal reasons and that HRW's rules and interests are upheld.
Contract research is supported by the External Funding Service / Department II.
With regard to research projects (no structural projects, no teaching projects, no travel or event grants or similar formats), the services offered by the team include

We can provide you with personalised advice on funding providers and formats as well as up-to-date information on calls for proposals.


We offer application support and advice on project design/project development.


We check all documents to ensure that the processes run as smoothly as possible.


We organise the necessary coordination with the university management and other administrative bodies, insofar as these are relevant to the respective application. We also provide support with communication to and with project sponsors.


Mehrere Wissenschaftler im weißen Kittel die Mikroskope nutzen


Ein Foto von einem Labor, am  Tisch sitzen mehrere Personen und reden miteinander.


Ein Bild von einer Frau die eine Skizze auf Papier zeichnet.




Ein Bild von der Aufschrift "HRW" in dunkelgrau