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Institute of Positive Computing

Zwei Personen, die mit einem bunten Regenschirm in der Hand in die Luft springen. Zudem ist über das ganze Bild ein Binärcode verteilt.

Energy for everyday life

Positive computing encompasses the design, realization and evaluation of application systems and their impact on the goal of improving people's quality of life and well-being and supporting them in developing their potential.

In system design, positive computing examines and considers the effect of technologies on people in terms of basic psychological needs such as autonomy, belonging and understanding, and thus on motivation and well-being.
Motivation and well-being are not only achieved passively by avoiding stressors and frustrating experiences, for example, but also actively through the appropriate design of the software and hardware and their integration into the environment.
For this reason, positive computing integrates findings and methods from the research fields of positive psychology, positive design and positive technology sciences (e.g. engineering and computer science).

As a competent partner, we offer you our expertise in applied computer science in the planning, implementation and assessment of your innovative projects. The individual orientation of the points listed is based on the specific requirements and the distribution of roles in the respective project. We generally offer the following services:

  • Consulting and expert activities
  • Advance development, proof-of-concept and prototype development
  • Accompanying scientific research
  • Workshops on design principles of positive computing to increase the acceptance and usability of your products
Eine Frau sitzt vor einem digitalen Bildschirm, auf welchem viel Text und verschiedene Diagramme abgebildet sind.





Im Fokus sind zwei glückliche Frauen. Eine von ihnen zeigt der Anderen einen blauen, hugelförmigen Gegenstand



Viele bunte Brettspielfiguren stehen auf einem Blatt Papier. Schwarze Linien sind auf das Papier gezeichnet, welche die Figuren miteinander verbinden



Drei glückliche Studentinnen die Arm in Arm miteinander lachen

List of persons


Contact person

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Stefan Geisler

Institut Informatik, Institut Positive Computing

Studiengangsleiter Mensch-Technik-Interaktion | Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet: Angewandte Informatik, Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion

Fax: +49 208 88254-834 Telephone: +49 208 88254-804 Email:

Contact person

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Stefan Geisler

Institut Informatik, Institut Positive Computing

Studiengangsleiter Mensch-Technik-Interaktion | Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet: Angewandte Informatik, Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion

Fax: +49 208 88254-834 Telephone: +49 208 88254-804 Email: