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Studying in the Heart of the Ruhr Area



Shaping the Future, Experiencing Knowledge: Hochschule Ruhr West - Where Innovation Flourishes

Anyone who wants to study with ambition, passion, and enthusiasm will find at Hochschule Ruhr West (HRW) the space and comprehensive support to develop themselves and unlock their potentials. That's why the motto of HRW is "Never stop growing!"

Zwei Männer und eine Frau sitzen auf einer Bank und unterhalten sich, während zwei Frauen am Glas stehen und zwei weitere Frauen im Campus Bottrop gehen und miteinander sprechen.

The motto "Never stop growing!" reflects the founding mission of the young university to promote the structural transformation in the Ruhr area. In times of skills shortages, this is achieved not least with well-educated graduates who are optimally prepared for the challenges in the future economy. The university accomplishes this through a practice-oriented education and the ability to make a mark in interdisciplinary, intercultural international teams.


The Hochschule Ruhr West has its campuses in the cities of Mülheim an der Ruhr (Duisburger Straße 100) and Bottrop (Lützowstraße 5). The focus areas include computer science, engineering, mathematics, natural sciences, and business administration. Unique and, above all, practice-oriented study programs are attracting an increasing number of students. A modern university in the heart of the Ruhr area - regionally anchored and internationally oriented.

Zwei Studenten sitzen am Schreibtisch, schauen in die Kamera und lächeln.

It is a promise to provide the conditions for both, as well as an invitation to go beyond one's limits. This offer, as a university of applied sciences, is extended to all young people – women and men, regardless of their social, cultural, or ethnic background. The HRW offers individuals from non-academic households or with a migration background the opportunity to play a shaping, valuable, and accepted role in our society.


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Die HRW als Organisation

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Die HRW als Arbeitgeberin

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