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Institute of Business Administration

Ein Mann, in Anzug und Krawatte gekleidet, schaut sich virtuelle Diagramme und Bilanzaufstellungen auf einem Tablet an.

Practice-oriented teaching and applied research

Since its foundation in May 2009, the institute has set itself two fundamental goals at the university: teaching that inspires and research that drives. This is reflected in the design of Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in business administration as well as in modules with a business focus for students from the fields of mathematics, engineering, natural sciences and technology. 

The business administration courses at the HRW combine technology and internationality in a unique way and reflect a close connection to the economic structure of the Rhenish-Westphalian economic area.

Research profile

The institute of Economics at the HRW conducts interdisciplinary research in the areas of applied business administration as well as special issues of international business and network economics. Basic and application-oriented contributions are made to improving the competitiveness of companies with an international business orientation. A country-specific focus of research is the so-called emerging markets. These are currently mainly emerging economies in East and South Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. 

Interdisciplinary cooperation

The Institute of Economics works together with all other institutes of the HRW on an interdisciplinary basis, which corresponds to a comprehensive academic education. Students also learn skills that enable them to set up and manage their own company. For example, they must be able to draw up a financial plan and a sales concept, solve interface problems within the sub-disciplines of business administration and master networking with other specialist disciplines. The Institute of Economics offers corresponding courses/modules. 

Bachelor degree courses

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

BWL - Energy and Water Management

Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)

Industrial Services Management

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

International Retail Management and Logistics

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

International Business and Emerging Markets

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Business Administration - Finance and Management (joint degree programme)

Master degree courses

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Business Administration - Asia Management

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Business Administration - Energy and Water Economics

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Industrial Service Management

Master of Arts (M.A.)

International marketing and management

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

MBA - Global Management/ HR

Scientific laboratories

The Institute of Economics operates a total of five research and teaching laboratories for different issues.

The structure and equipment of our laboratories enable practical, application-oriented teaching and research that is focused on current issues in industry.

The laboratories enable our students to put into practice and intensify their theoretical knowledge. The connection between theory and practice in later professional life is demonstrated through internships.

Das Foto zeigt im Vordergrund eine Studentin, die eine Wärmebildkamera in der Hand hält. Im Hintergrund ist ein Modellhaus (unscharf) zu sehen.

IDM Labor

Das Foto zeigt einen Studenten, dem eine Eyetrackingbrille von einer weiteren Person aufgesetzt wird.


Das Foto zeigt eine Studentin, die ein Ultraschallgerät bedient. Im Hintergrund unterhält sich eine Professorin mit einer Studentin.

Technische Diagnostik Labor

Das Foto zeigt einen Bildschirm und eine Bloomberg-Tastatur

Bloomberg Labor

Das Foto zeigt eine Lehrende, die Studierenden eine Arbeitsanweisung gibt.


Image imotions Kachelübersicht

Usability and Interaction Lab

Contact person

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Jutta Lommatzsch


Dekanin Fachbereich 2 | Lehrgebiet: Wirtschaftsrecht

Contact person

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Jutta Lommatzsch


Dekanin Fachbereich 2 | Lehrgebiet: Wirtschaftsrecht