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Institute of Mechanical Engineering


Innovation through cooperation

The Institute of Mechanical Engineering focuses on the economical production of small series with a holistic view of the product life cycle. Its laboratories focus on production, design, robotics, materials, quality management, additive manufacturing (including IoT lab), as well as automotive engineering and smart mobility. The focus areas are determined in close cooperation with companies and schools in the region in order to meet the needs of industry and students.  


Research profile

We currently have around 800 students enrolled on our Bachelor's degree courses in Mechanical Engineering, Women's Studies in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering and Management in Mechanical Engineering and around 150 students on the Master's degree course in Technical Production Management. 

Various fully equipped and modern laboratories ensure application-oriented teaching. In addition, these facilities are used for research and development topics in the publicly funded and bilateral area.

Interdisciplinary cooperation

  • DEKRA Automobil GmbH
  • Geibel & Hotz GmbH
  • Hassia Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH
  • IDG - Ingenieurgemeinschaft Gesellschaft für Ingenieurleistungen mbH
  • Salzgitter Mannesmann AG
  • Schauenburg Gruppe
  • Siemens AG Energy Sector


Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)

Mechanical engineering

Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)

All-Female Programme in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)

Mechanical Engineering and Management

Studierende und Professor im Labor tragen Laborkittel und Schutzbrillen, während sie einen Monitor betrachten.


Scientific institutions

Ein Bild von einem Stapel voller Zeitung, an der Seite steht "HRW Aktuell"


News and publications

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Events for school classes

Contact person

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Joachim Friedhoff

Institut Maschinenbau

Lehrgebiet: CAX-Technologien

Contact person

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Joachim Friedhoff

Institut Maschinenbau

Lehrgebiet: CAX-Technologien