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Gender Equality & Diversity Management

Logo Referat Gender Equality & Diversity Management

Part of our self-image at Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences is to value and promote the diversity of university members - whether students or employees. The development of new potential and opportunities also entails a central responsibility. Living and working in a diversity-appropriate and diversity-sensitive manner means recognising all dimensions of diversity and understanding them intersectionally. For us as the Gender Equality & Diversity Management team, this means developing measures that actively make inequality visible, counteract discrimination and help to create an equitable and sensitive environment for everyone involved.

The team

The Gender Equality & Diversity Management team reports to the President and fulfils cross-sectional tasks for the entire university. It sees itself as an innovative space for new ideas and a source of inspiration for university development. The Family Office, University Sports, the federal programme FH-Personal/PROForward@HRW and the AWARENESS@HRW project are currently located in this area. The Head of Division is also currently appointed by the Presidential Board as the contact person for the Anti-Discrimination Office.

Kind spielt mit Rechenschieber

Family-friendly university

A particular challenge for students and employees is reconciling family and studies or work. The Family Office at the HRW is a point of contact that provides guidance and expertise in this area. It supports students and employees who are expecting and/or already have children or are caring for relatives and provides advice on a wide range of issues, for example childcare bottlenecks during school holidays, questions about funding options, individual adjustments to the course of studies and the general compatibility of family and university.

HRW Sportfest an der Hochschule Ruhr West

Team HRW

Sport is an important part of diversity management at Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences. It is an ideal way to break down barriers, promote teamwork and create a shared sense of belonging for students and staff.

Through sporting activities, students and employees of different ages, genders, cultural and social backgrounds and nationalities come together and have the opportunity to perceive and get to know each other differently. Playing sport together promotes understanding and respect for and towards each other and strengthens the sense of togetherness. 

Eine Frau und ein Mann stehen und sprechen mit Studenten auf dem Campus Mülheim.

Zero tolerance for discrimination

Anti-discrimination centre/complaints office according to § 13 AGG

Training and employment relationships create dependencies where it can never be completely ruled out that they will be exploited or abused. The HRW does not tolerate such behaviour. The university is committed to a culture of respect and appreciation for students, young academics and academic and non-academic staff that is practised on a daily basis.

The Anti-Discrimination Office (ADS) is responsible for counselling in cases of discrimination and can be contacted by all members of the HRW.  

It is also a complaints office in accordance with Section 13 of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). The ADS is impartial and sworn to secrecy. 

Contact person

Picture of a person
Birgit Weustermann

Team Gender Equality & Diversity Management


Fax: +49 151 5540 4743 Telephone: +49 208 88254-120 Email:

Contact person

Picture of a person
Birgit Weustermann

Team Gender Equality & Diversity Management


Fax: +49 151 5540 4743 Telephone: +49 208 88254-120 Email: