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Support for start-ups and innovation


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HRWStartUps –
Leap into the world of entrepreneurship

We promote innovation and entrepreneurship. Our aim is to motivate and empower people to think and act entrepreneurially in order to contribute to a brighter future. 

HRWStartUps is a programme of the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences that gives all students and employees the chance to develop their entrepreneurial potential and realise their start-up ideas.

Become a partner at HRWStartUps

We welcome companies and initiatives to collaborate with us! Whether it's project work, guest lectures, keynotes, attending our networking events or direct networking, mentoring and collaboration with our start-ups - actively shape regional change in business and society and take the next step into the future of innovation. We look forward to opening up new paths and synergies together with you!


We support you!

Whether you have just begun your studies, are about to make your first career decision, are working as a research or teaching assistant or are an HRW alumna - you will find a wide range of opportunities to discover your entrepreneurial potential with us.

We want to inspire you to be innovative and entrepreneurial. Meet us at freshmen welcome events, graduation ceremonies, career fairs, in inspiring lecture visits or at our occasional HRWStartUps booth in front of the cafeteria. You are also welcome to contact us directly to arrange a free initial consultation.

Text Ideen. We award your first project or start-up idea in the ideas competition with 1,000 euros.

HRWStartUps connects you with a broad network in a variety of formats. We show you how founding a company in Mülheim and Bottrop works and offer you the opportunity to network with like-minded founders in our inspiring start-up café. With us, you will find the perfect platform to realise your entrepreneurial visions and make a successful start in the world of start-ups.

Discover a world full of knowledge at HRWEducate! Our aim is to equip every student and employee at HRW as well as our alumni with the knowledge they need to develop their mindset, entrepreneurial thinking and methodological skills. In our free formats and workshops, you will learn everything about business plans, agile methods and entrepreneurial skills.

Turn your idea into reality with HRWIncubate. In our intensive funding programme, we support selected start-up teams with a project budget of 500 euros, free start-up coaching and workshops as well as access to co-working spaces and a strong network. At the end of the programme, the teams pitch for 5,000 euros for their startup. Regardless of your area of expertise - at HRWIncubate you will find the ideal environment to lead your startup to success!

Why HRWStartUps?

HRWStartUps offers you a unique opportunity to turn your ideas into reality - completely free of charge!

Our start-up support is open to all HRW students, employees and alumni for up to five years after graduation and provides free IP advice, expert support from experienced startup coaches and free prototyping, whether hardware or software.

We are convinced that every innovative idea deserves a chance. Together, we will find a way to accompany you on your entrepreneurial journey. Regardless of your specialism, at HRWStartUps you will find the right support to make your idea a success!




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The new programme line "EXIST-Women" aims to offer women at universities who are interested in starting a business and have an affinity for entrepreneurship the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the topics of startups and self-employment at an early stage. This initiative is implemented by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action and Environment (BMWK) as part of the German government's startup strategy. The promotion of female startup founders and the promotion of diversity are important fields of action in this strategy.

Wir sind stolz darauf, einen Beitrag zu diesem wichtigen Vorhaben zu leisten, Frauen in ihrem unternehmerischen Weg zu unterstützen und freuen uns verkünden zu können, dass wir Ende des Jahres erstmals zehn Frauen in unser Programm aufgenommen haben. HRWomenStartups hat ein intensives Programm entwickelt, das aus Workshops, Events, Coaching und Mentoring besteht, um die spezifischen Bedürfnisse der Stipendiatinnen zu adressieren und ihre unternehmerischen Fähigkeiten zu intensivieren. Zusätzlich zu den Stipendiensummen (im Bereich von 1000 bis 3000 Euro) erhalten die Stipendiatinnen 2000 Euro Sachmittel und individuelle Beratung durch 1zu1-Mentoring. Des Weiteren haben sie die Möglichkeit, an bundesweiten Veranstaltungen teilzunehmen, bei denen sie sich mit anderen Stipendiatinnen aus verschiedenen Hochschulen sowie Expert:innen aus dem Startup-Ökosystem vernetzen können.