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Usability and Interaction Lab

Image imotions Kachelübersicht

Usability and Interaction Lab

In the Usability and Interaction Lab (UnI Lab for short) at the Parkstadt campus in Mülheim, we combine theory with practice and prepare students for their future in e-commerce, digital marketing or sales management.

Further information

The laboratory is organized in two areas:

The usability area of the lab focuses intensively on the research and teaching of biometric measurement methods. Techniques such as eye tracking, skin conductance measurements and the analysis of facial expressions provide invaluable insights into user behavior and the user experience (usability). These biometric studies provide detailed data that can contribute to the improvement of websites, products, services and communication strategies, for example.

At the same time, the other side of the lab, the interaction area, enables students to get to know the topic of negotiation. By using the Harvard negotiation method in realistic simulations, supported by the latest technologies such as video recordings, students can try out and refine their negotiation techniques in practical scenarios. At the same time, negotiations can be practiced and practiced via video call.

On top of this, the lab's hybrid set-up enables research and teaching to be conducted both on-site and digitally, ensuring flexible participation and broad access to our resources. Students and researchers alike are invited to use this lab for their projects, theses or specialized modules such as “Fundamentals of Negotiation”, “Eye-Tracking in Retail Management” and “Applied User Experience in Marketing” to gain practical experience while contributing to the scientific community.

The UnI Lab therefore stands not only for the teaching of skills and competencies in digital commerce & sales management, but also for the use of innovative technologies and methods: Here, theory and practice go hand in hand.

If you have any further questions about the UnI Lab, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Contact persons:

  • Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Julia Thalmann
  • Maike Hübner (research assistant)
Image Beschreibung des Labs

Further scientific facilities

Das Foto zeigt im Vordergrund eine Studentin, die eine Wärmebildkamera in der Hand hält. Im Hintergrund ist ein Modellhaus (unscharf) zu sehen.

IDM Labor

Das Foto zeigt einen Studenten, dem eine Eyetrackingbrille von einer weiteren Person aufgesetzt wird.


Das Foto zeigt eine Studentin, die ein Ultraschallgerät bedient. Im Hintergrund unterhält sich eine Professorin mit einer Studentin.

Technische Diagnostik Labor

Das Foto zeigt eine Lehrende, die Studierenden eine Arbeitsanweisung gibt.


Das Foto zeigt einen Bildschirm und eine Bloomberg-Tastatur

Bloomberg Labor

Contact person

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Julia Kristin Thalmann


Lehrgebiet: Allgemeine BWL insb. Handel & E-Commerce

Contact person

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Julia Kristin Thalmann


Lehrgebiet: Allgemeine BWL insb. Handel & E-Commerce