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Climate Protection

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Successfully shaping society and economy to be sustainable and carbon-neutral

All researchers from the Institute of Energy Systems and Energy Management are involved in the work of the research focus on Climate Protection.


To successfully shape the transformation process towards a defossilized energy system and a sustainable, carbon-neutral economy and society, a variety of disciplinary, inter- and transdisciplinary approaches are needed.

The goal of the "Climate Protection" research focus at the Institute is to answer the following central questions:

How can the expansion of renewable energies be accelerated?


How can industrial processes that depend on fossil carbon carriers continue to operate while simultaneously contributing to climate protection?
What alternatives do chemical energy users have who cannot drive their processes with hydrogen?


How can cost-effective defossilized fuels and propellants be produced?
What adjustments to the energy networks are necessary to cope with the changed transport and distribution tasks?
With which contents of education (training and further education, general to professional qualification) is a broad audience specifically addressed?
What contribution can strategies of (digital) circular value creation make to achieving climate protection goals?
How can the transformation processes be successfully designed?
Energy use in industry, trade, commerce, and services (GHD) and buildings.
What are sensible overall concepts for energy use?
How can energy systems (off-grid / on-grid) be techno-economically optimized considering the increasing share of various renewable energies in the energy supply?
To what extent must the capacity and power of energy storage systems be provided and which specific type of storage should be chosen?
How can energy storage systems be made more resource-efficient through material substitution and recycling processes?

The research within the "Climate Protection" focus of the Institute touches upon all central guiding themes of HRW: Resources and Energy, Supply and Health, Digitalization and Networking.

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Prof. Dr. Jens Paetzold

Institut Energiesysteme und Energiewirtschaft

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Prof. Dr. Jens Paetzold

Institut Energiesysteme und Energiewirtschaft