Study Preparation
Ready, SIP, go!

SIP start! & SIP go!
The Study Preparation Courses aim at preparing international people for studying at Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences, whether refugee or not. The courses focus on language development, individual counselling and general support of the participants.
We offer two courses every semester: B1+/B2 and C1. Every course includes 24 teaching sessions that are spread over the duration of one semester. The courses include the following modules:
- German language course (on campus) for gaining academically relevant language skills
- Self-regulated learning (online and asynchronous) for a refined language acquisition
- Workshops on intercultural and academically relevant competences
- Counselling for individual support
The application process includes an assessment test to determine your language level.
Course details
Please use the Online Application which will be open in December and January to apply and create a new account (Neuer Account) first. This is only available in German while the application is available in English as well. You will be asked to log in with your new login details. Then create a new application for the „Studienintegrationsprogramm“ and send it.
The following documents are necessary for the application:
- Your ID for identity verification
- Documents on your resident status
- School leaving certificate (original and English OR German translation)
- If available: study records (transcript of records, university graduate diploma) original and English OR German translation
- If available: Certificates on language level
FAQ (coming soon...)
How to reach us
Clarissa Walkerling
Phone: 0208 -88 254 221
Monday, 11 to 12 (and by appointment)
Campus Mülheim, Studierenden Service Center (SSC)