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Intelligent Mobility

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What is Intelligent Mobility?

In January 2018, this research focus was established: "Intelligent Mobility. Intelligent Systems, Electromobility, and Mobility Concepts". The research focus on "Intelligent Mobility" addresses the fact that people's mobility needs are increasing. The goal of the research focus is to pool the existing competencies at HRW in the field of Intelligent Mobility. The focus aims to unlock fundamental technologies for the development of innovative mobility solutions.


The Subject Area

For technology development and implementation, the focus is divided into work areas (Intelligent Systems, Electromobility, and Mobility Concepts), each of which is to be developed in an application-oriented manner.

The work areas are closely interlinked with the cross-sectional topics of Machine Learning, Big Data, System Optimization, and Benchmarking, in order to integrate methodological competencies into the individual work areas. The individual work areas are addressed by a union of interdisciplinary teams from the Institutes of Computer Science, Measuring and Sensor Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Energy Systems, and Energy Management of the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences.

Our Involved Institutes

Four institutes are involved in the research focus, namely ​Institute of Computer Science, ​Institute of Mechanical Engineering, ​Institute of Measuring and Sensor Technology and ​Institute of Energy Systems and Energy Management. Prof. Dr. Anselm Haselhoff (Institute of Computer Science), Prof. Dr. Katja Rösler (Institute of Mechanical Engineering) and Prof. Dr. Klaus Thelen, from the Institute of Measuring  and Sensor Technology, are in charge. The "Vehicle Electronics and Electromobility" course, for example, is also based there.

Students on courses such as Applied Computer Science or Mechanical Engineering also benefit from the practical research. These courses offer specializations in vehicle technology or vehicle information technology.

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