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Business Information Systems

Academic Degree
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Standard period of study
7 Semester
Study start
Admission restriction
Subject area
Fachbereich 1
Institute of Computer Science
Study location

Business Information Systems - Mediator between IT and the company

Business IT specialists are sought-after graduates. They are responsible for information management, which is crucial for companies. After all, important decisions can only be made on the basis of correct and complete information. In this interdisciplinary computer science degree program, you will learn everything you need to design information and communication systems and integrate them into company structures in a meaningful way.

Eine Person hält ein Tablet mit künstlichen Diagrammen über dem Tablet.

What you can expect

In the first semesters, students deal with computer science, databases, software technology, programming languages and business fundamentals. The course also teaches key skills such as rhetoric, presentation techniques and business management.

IT project managers do not have to program, but must have an eye on the interplay of software, time management and budget. The focus is on coordinating teams and external consultants. IT service managers optimize operational processes and provide customer-oriented IT support.

The course integrates mathematics, natural sciences, business management and business law. Graduates are well prepared for the dynamic job market. A Bachelor's degree enables a qualified career entry, with the option of further qualification to a Master's degree.

Eine Frau mit roten Haaren und Schutzbrille arbeitet konzentriert an einem elektronischen Gerät, möglicherweise einem Roboterarm, an einem gut ausgestatteten Elektronikarbeitsplatz. Sie trägt eine schwarze Jacke und ein pinkes Oberteil. Der Tisch ist voll mit verschiedenen Werkzeugen und Geräten für die Elektronikfertigung, wie Lötstationen, Rollen von Lötdraht, und weiteren Komponenten. Im Hintergrund ist ein lebhafter, beleuchteter Raum mit ähnlichen Arbeitsplätzen zu erkennen.

Your study content

You study a very practical mix of computer science and business. Law, sociology and statistics are also relevant.

What do you learn?

It never gets boring with us! In addition to databases and software technology, programming languages, service management and the secure handling of data are important components of your studies. You will also become fit in rhetoric, business and personnel management and learn important presentation techniques.

Your study program

Fundamentals of Computer Science and Programming Languages

6 Credits

Discrete mathematics

6 Credits

Competence development

6 Credits


6 Credits

Business I

6 Credits

Data banks

6 Credits

Fundamentals of engineering mathematics

6 Credits

Programming 2

6 Credits

Business II (Business and Economics)

6 Credits

Selected chapters of business informatics

6 Credits

Business process modeling

6 Credits

Operations Research

6 Credits

Corporate Governance and Management (Business III)

6 Credits

Business Law

6 Credits

Algorithms and data structures

6 Credits

Software engineering

6 Credits

Safety and reliability

6 Credits

IT Service Management

6 Credits

Production and logistics

6 Credits


6 Credits

Data Science

6 Credits

Distributed Systems

6 Credits

IT Project Management

6 Credits

Optional module 1

6 Credits

Optional module 2

6 Credits

Practical semester and practical seminar (across semesters 26 + 2 credits)

14 Credits

Optional module 3

6 Credits

Optional module 4

6 Credits

Optional module 5

6 Credits

Practical semester and practical seminar (across semesters 26 + 2 credits)

14 Credits

Bachelor thesis and colloquium (12 + 2 Credits)

14 Credits

What you need to bring along

  • Language level C1 is required and the language of instruction is German.
  • General or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification
  • Alternatively: entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences or a qualification recognized as equivalent in the course of professional qualification
  • Admission-free

Application process

The application phase for the approval-free Bachelor’s degree programmes for the coming winter semester begins on 01. May 2025 and ends on 15. September 2025. Applications can only be submitted online via our application portal.

If you have any questions, please contact the application support team.

What our graduates say


"The doors were always open and we could ask questions if we didn't understand something. I always thought of professors as wearing suits and ties. At the HRW, they wear shirts and jeans - just like us. That made it easier to seek contact."

Halil Ibrahim Dogan (Business Informatics graduate at the HRW)

Zwei Personen, die an einem Roboterarm arbeiten.


Fachschaft I

Fachschaftsvertretung 1

Auszug BAföG Formular

study financing

Contact person

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Malte Weiß

Institut Informatik

Studiengangsleitung: Wirtschaftsinformatik | Lehrgebiet: Grundlagen der Informatik | Startup Beauftragter Fachbereich 1

Contact person

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Malte Weiß

Institut Informatik

Studiengangsleitung: Wirtschaftsinformatik | Lehrgebiet: Grundlagen der Informatik | Startup Beauftragter Fachbereich 1