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Electrical engineering

Academic Degree
Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Standard period of study
7 Semester
Study start
Admission restriction
Subject area
Fachbereich 4
Institute of Measuring and Sensor Technology
Study location
Mülheim an der Ruhr
Ein Bild von einer grünen Wiese mit mehreren Solaranlagen und Windrädern im Hintergrund

Future with excitement

Electrical engineering offers sustainable solutions for current challenges. As an electrical engineer, you drive forward the decisive technical developments and thus secure the future! After all, electrical engineering is so ubiquitous that we hardly notice it anymore. It can be found in smartphones, computer networks, electric cars, robots and photovoltaic systems, for example. Our lives are becoming increasingly digitalised and require efficient electrotechnical devices that think for themselves.

Ein Foto vom Campus der Hochschule Ruhr West in Mülheim an der Ruhr

What you can expect

  • Fundamentals of mathematics and electrical engineering
  • Project management
  • Innovative topics such as laser and medical technology, robotics and sensor technology

In a networked world, computer networks connect us in seconds via radio, cable or fibre optics. Electronic devices are everywhere - from robots in production to electric cars on our roads.

The Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering offers practical training in innovative fields such as medical technology, digital communication, renewable energies, lighting technology, electromobility, laser and fibre optic technology and automation technology. Here you will shape the future in a dynamic field with excellent career prospects

Ein Student schaut durch ein Mikroskop

Programme content

  • Engineering mathematics, physics, electrical engineering
  • Robotics, Sensor Technology, Environmental Measurement Technology
  • Bachelor's examination regulations, module handbook & study plan

What will you learn?

You will immerse yourself in current topics such as robotics, biomedical and laser technology, sensor technology and communications engineering. We develop energy-saving devices with you and network them with the Internet of Things. In our laboratories, you will conduct research into renewable energies, fast fibre optic networks, environmental measurement technology and electromobility.

Your course of studies

Business Administration and Law for Engineers

3 Credits

Business and legal basics for an engineering degree programme

Engineering Mathematics 1

6 Credits

Acquisition of mathematical foundations for later engineering modules

Technical English for Engineers (Lehrsprache Englisch)

3 Credits

Basic concepts and conversation

Materials science in mechanics and electrical engineering

6 Credits

Fundamentals of chemical materials science

Applied Computer Sciences and Programming Languages

6 Credits

Basics of computer structure, coding of information, introduction to programming

Electrical Engineering I

6 Credits

Acquisition of electrical engineering fundamentals for later engineering modules

Electronic Devices and Basic Circuits

6 Credits

Continuation of materials science, Practical applications in the laboratory

Electrical Engineering II

6 Credits

Fundamentals of complex alternating current theory, transformers and first-order switch-on processes

Mathematics for Engineers II

6 Credits

Advanced mathematical methods and procedures

Measurement and Sensor Technology I

6 Credits

Basics of measuring methods and measuring equipment, among other things

Physics 1

6 Credits

Kinematik, Dynamik, Gravitation, mechanische Schwingungen und Wellen, Akustik, Grundlagen Strahlenoptik

Project Study Electrical Engineering / Circuit Design

6 Credits

Working on current technical topics in the field of electrical engineering; design, construction, testing, documentation and presentation of group project work

Digital Systems and Microcontrollers

6 Credits

The course covers everything from the internal structure of an inverter to logic gates and semiconductor memory to the programming of microcontrollers. Extensive practical experiments in the teaching laboratory with CMOS components and ATmega microcontrollers.

Fundamentals of Signal Processing

6 Credits

Signals and systems, deepening knowledge of signal processing through practical applications in exercises


3 Credits

Essential functionality of the Matlab programme, interfaces to other applications, lecture with practical course

Physics 2

3 Credits

Acquisition of physical fundamentals required for later engineering modules

Control and Feedback Control Systems

6 Credits

Systemtheoretische Grundlagen, mathematische Modelle zur Beschreibung dynamischer Systeme, Vorlesung mit Übungen

Communications Engineering

6 Credits

Grundlagen der Informationstheorie und Codierverfahren; Leitungstheorie; Vorstellung wichtiger Leitungstypen; Grundlagen der Antennentechnik und Wellenausbreitungsmechanismen; Vorlesung mit Übung

Modern Methods in Feedback Control Systems

6 Credits

Deepening, extensions and limits of the standard control loop; feedforward control, feedforward control, cascade control and multivariable control; description of dynamic systems in state space; solution of the equations of state; lecture with practical course. state equations; lecture with exercise and practical course

Robotics 1

6 Credits

Grundlagen der Robotik; Offene Kinematische Ketten; technische Einflussgrössen auf die Arbeitsgenauigkeit von Robotern; Vorlesung mit Praktikum

Fundamentals of Image Processing

6 Credits

Principles and methods of image acquisition and reproduction, one- and multidimensional signals and systems, lecture with exercise and practical course

Electrical Drive Technology

6 Credits

Types of electrical machines and electromagnetic drives, lecture with exercises

Mathematics for Engineers 3 / Numerical Mathematics

6 Credits

Mehrdimensionale Funktionen; Integralsätze von Gauß und Stokes; Typische Differentialoperatoren; Numerik: Algorithmusbegriff, Iterative Lösung von Gleichungssystemen, lineare Ausgleichsrechnung, numerische Integration und Lösungsverfahren für gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen; Grundlagen der Methode der Finiten Elemente; Vorlesung mit Übungen

Elective modules 1 to 4

24 Credits

Vier Wahlmodule im 5. Fachsemester mit je 6 Credits

Sustainable product development and efficient programming methods

6 Credits

Objektorientierte, effiziente Programmierung mit Python, Circular Economy, Design, Lebensdauer und Schadstoffemission von elektrischen Bauelementen, Energieverbrauch durch Datenströme

Block practical course in microcontroller technology/communications engineering

6 Credits

Anwendung von Sensornetzen in hochschuleigenen Laboren im Rahmen eines 10-wöchigen Blockpraktikums

Elective module 5

6 Credits

Weiteres Wahlmodul im 6. Fachsemester

Internship semester part 1

10 Credits

Part 1 of a total of 19 weeks full-time practical semester Engineering work in the field of electrical engineering in an operational environment

Internship semester part 2

17 Credits

Part 2 of a total of 19 weeks full-time practical semester plus final presentation (2 credits) Engineering work in the field of electrical engineering in a company environment

Bachelor thesis and colloquium

15 Credits

Bachelor's thesis: 12 weeks of independent work on a defined task with minimal guidance from the university and company. Colloquium: Final presentation of the methodology and results of the Bachelor's thesis

What you need to bring along

  • General or subject-related higher education entrance qualification
  • Alternatively: technical college entrance qualification or a qualification recognized as equivalent as part of your professional qualification
  • Free of admission

Application process

The application phase for the approval-free Bachelor’s degree programmes for the coming winter semester begins on 01. May 2025 and ends on 15. September 2025. Applications can only be submitted online via our application portal.

If you have any questions, please contact the application support team.

What alumni say

Alumni Sebastien Leiding

"Electrical engineering as a dual study programme at the HRW was the perfect choice. The timetables were well organised and the degree course was easy to combine with the shortened IHK training and later my professional career. The campus offers great opportunities, the professors are committed and always approachable and the study groups are small. The basic understanding of physics, electrical engineering and programming knowledge from my studies helped me to familiarise myself quickly. As did the many internships that prepared me for teamwork." Sebastian Leiding, 2021


Alumni Jan-Christopher-Mueller

"I decided to study electrical engineering after my A-levels because the course is very diverse in terms of content - be it automation, communication technology, robotics, renewable energies or electronics! And - I was convinced by the excellent career prospects as an electrical engineer." - Jan Cristopher Müller, 2018