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Computer Science

Academic Degree
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Standard period of study
3 Semester
Study start
Sommer- & Wintersemester
Admission restriction
Subject area
Fachbereich 1
Institute of Computer Science
Study location
Ein humanoider Roboter berührt einen erweiterbaren Punkt im Raum.jpg

Computer science is a diverse degree program with great career prospects

New challenges open up exciting areas of application for high-tech.

Person sitzt an einem Laptop und arbeitet

What you can expect

The Master's course deepens the content of various Computer Science Bachelor's courses and is scientifically oriented. Collaboration on current research questions and projects - integrated into the working groups of the institute's scientists - is an important element.

The goal is to impart specialized knowledge, and the planned focal points are :

  • Applied Computer Science
  • Energy Informatics
  • Automotive Informatics
  • ​Human-Machine Interaction
  • Neurocomputer science
  • ​Business Information Systems 
Eine Person bedient ein zukunftsartiges digitales System


  • Theoretische Grundlagen
  • Wissenschaftliche Simulation, Softwaretechnik
  • Prüfungsordnung, Modulhandbuch & 

Im dreisemestrigen Masterstudiengang Informatik bauen Sie auf Ihren theoretischen Grundlagen auf und tauchen tief in faszinierende Fachgebiete ein. Sie werden sich intensiv mit wissenschaftlichen Simulationen, Softwaretechnik und spannenden Projektarbeiten befassen. Dieser Studiengang bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, sich in verschiedenen Schwerpunkten zu spezialisieren. Sie können Ihre Interessen in den Bereichen Neuroinformatik, Fahrzeuginformatik, Angewandte Informatik, Energie- und Wirtschaftsinformatik sowie Mensch-Technik-Interaktion vertiefen.

What you need to bring along

  • Language level C1 is required and the language of instruction is German.
  • Completion of at least seven semesters of professionally qualifying studies in a degree program in computer science. At least 210 credits must have been earned, of which at least 140 credits must have been earned from modules with at least predominantly computer science content
  • As the Master's degree course will comprise 90 credits, Bachelor's graduates who have fewer than 210 credits can make up for defined modules (learning agreements). This ensures that 300 credits are achieved upon completion of the Master's degree program.
  • Admission-free !


Application process

The application phase for the approval-free Master’s degree programmes for the coming winter semester begins on 01. May 2024 and ends on 15. September 2024. Applications can only be submitted online via our application portal.

If you have any questions, please contact the application support team.

What our alumni say


Marius Hötten-Löns studied Human-Technology Interaction at Campus Bottrop from 2012 to 2016. He completed his studies in 2018 with a Master's degree in Computer Science. It soon became clear to him that he wanted to work as a developer later on. Since then, he has been an enthusiastic software engineer for iOS apps at NanoGiants in Düsseldorf, a company that develops customized and user-oriented software products.

Zwei Personen, die an einem Roboterarm arbeiten.


Fachschaft I

Fachschaftsvertretung 1

Auszug BAföG Formular

study financing

Contact persons

Picture of a person
Esther Egener

Dezernat IV, Zentrale Studienberatung

Zentrale Studienberatung/Beratung

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Marc Jansen

Institut Informatik, Institut Positive Computing

Studiengangsleitung: Informatik (M.Sc.) | Lehrgebiet: Softwaretechnik für mobile / verteilte Systeme

Contact persons

Picture of a person
Esther Egener

Dezernat IV, Zentrale Studienberatung

Zentrale Studienberatung/Beratung

Picture of a person
Prof. Dr. Marc Jansen

Institut Informatik, Institut Positive Computing

Studiengangsleitung: Informatik (M.Sc.) | Lehrgebiet: Softwaretechnik für mobile / verteilte Systeme