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International Students

Hörsaal mit Studierenden

Studying at Ruhr West as an international Student

At Ruhr West, internationality is not just a goal to be achieved but part of our identity as a university. That’s why we established exchange agreements with foreign partner universities early on. Moreover, one in four residents of the Ruhr region has an international background, making cultural diversity a daily reality.

Whether you come here for a full degree programme or for a one- or two-semester exchange, you will be sure to receive special mentoring and support to help you integrate into the Ruhr West community!

Exchange semester at Ruhr West

Exchange Students

Studying at Ruhr West for a full degree

Degree Students

Preparing for your studies at Ruhr West

Study integration programme

Mehrere Studenten während einer Vorlesung im Hörsaal

What to study at Ruhr West

Degree programmes