We live diversity
For the HRW, it has always been a matter of course to promote gender equality and diversity within the university - both among students and employees. On these pages you will find detailed information about our work and goals.

Each contribution ...
... no matter how small, can make a big difference in shaping a future characterised by equality and diversity.
Photo: Daniela Patricia Photography
Help and counselling services
The grievance box is a mailbox of the ‘Central Equal Opportunities’ department and can be used for all problems, concerns, complaints or points of criticism. If it is not a question of equal opportunities, we will be happy to forward the message to the responsible department after consultation.
All information will of course be treated confidentially.
The ‘Violence against women’ helpline is available free of charge around the clock, 365 days a year. Here, victims can receive qualified counselling anonymously and safely. Experienced counsellors provide confidential support and, if necessary, refer you to local support services such as women's counselling centres or women's shelters.
The 116 016 number can be reached from the German telephone and mobile network. The service is anonymous, free of charge, barrier-free and available in 18 foreign languages. Relatives, friends and other close contacts as well as professionals can also contact the helpline for questions and information.
The telephone counselling service offers advice on a variety of topics. The counselling service can be contacted for problems in the family or partnership, bullying at (high) school or at work, job loss, addiction, illness, loneliness, crises of meaning, spiritual questions or suicidal tendencies.
Phone: 0800 1 110111, 0800 1 110222 oder 116123
E-Mail und Chat: online.telefonseelsorge.de
In Gefahrensituationen auf dem Campus Mülheim ist der Sicherheitsdienst montags bis freitags zwischen 17:00 und 22:00 Uhr unter folgender neuer Rufnummer zu erreichen:
0172 6857623
Studierende und Beschäftigte sollten sich diese Nummer für den Fall der Fälle auf dem Mobiltelefon speichern.
Wenn Sie sich nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit unsicher fühlen, können Sie diese Nummer anrufen, um sich beispielweise auf dem Weg ins Parkhaus vom Sicherheitsdienst begleiten zu lassen.
In dangerous situations on the Mülheim campus, the security service can be reached Monday to Friday between 17:00 and 22:00 on the following new telephone number:
0172 6857623
Students and employees should save this number on their mobile phones just in case.
If you feel unsafe after dark, you can call this number to be accompanied by the security service on your way to the car park, for example.
The Anti-Discrimination Office (ADS) is responsible for counselling in cases of discrimination and can be used by all members of the HRW. It is also a complaints centre in accordance with Section 13 of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). The anti-discrimination office is impartial and bound to secrecy.
At the Mülheim site:
Birgit Weustermann
Phone: 0208 88254-120
E-Mail: antidiskriminierungsstelle@hs-ruhrwest.de
At the Bottrop site:
Prof. Dr. Jens Paetzold
Phone: 0208 88254-841
E-Mail: antidiskriminierungsstelle@hs-ruhrwest.de
Rechtsanwältin Dr. Gudrun Doering-Striening
Phone: 0201 8621262
E-Mail: anwaeltin@grafen39.de
There are various independent counselling and support services available in Mülheim and Bottrop that offer advice on a range of topics:
- Women's Centre Courage Bottrop Women's Centre Courage - Home
- Help for Women e. V. Mülheim Help for Women e. V. - Homepage (hilfe-fuer-frauen-ev.de)
- Anti-Discrimination Centre of the City of Mülheim an der Ruhr Anti-Discrimination Centre of the City of Mülheim an der Ruhr - City of Mülheim an der Ruhr (muelheim-ruhr.de)
- Lebenslust counselling for questions about sexuality, sexual identity and sexual health - Lebenslust counselling centre (lebenslust-beratungsstelle.de)
- Caritas-Zentrum St. Raphael - Marriage, family and life counselling (EFL) Life counselling, marriage & family counselling - Caritas Mülheim (caritas-muelheim.de)
- Psychological Counselling Centre Psychological Counselling Centre - Educational Counselling Centre - City of Mülheim an der Ruhr (muelheim-ruhr.de)